Category: Places

While on a recent trip to NYC, I found myself acting like the typical tourist…. taking pictures of everything. EVERYTHING. Well, everything except CNN’s Anderson Cooper…. with whom I shared an awkward silence during a ten floor elevator ride. I did behave like a desperate paparazzi when Lea Michele and Chris Colfer were spotted shooting a promo spot for an episode of GLEE. This image was captured shortly after that brush with celebrity. New York is THE place to be … alive with activity and people to watch. I♥NY !!

These images (of my assistant) were captured Sep 17, 2011 as part of a lighting test in preparation for a portrait shoot for a local Church. During the shoot, the sun kept peeking out from behind some clouds… changing the ambient light levels inside the church.

This Hawaiian holiday pic was shot with the camera balanced on a 27th floor balcony railing. This is a feat in itself because I tremble standing on a ladder. Holding still for the 30 second exposure necessitated closing my eyes to avoid looking over the railing. Nothing beats the sound of a shutter finally closing … whew!!

Portage & Main .... Winnipeg. Shot on April 14, 2009. This would be that last time that I shot here ... You put your life at risk here !!!!

  • February 23rd, 2010
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